For corporate clients, Ling Long deliver the customised "Business Chinese" programs for both beginners and overseas Chinese learners. The topical approach of each lesson allows learners to develop sets of common expressions which could be used in the daily business situations, and also build cultural awareness through language learning.
For beginners, you will be able to introduce yourself and to have short conversations with your Chinese colleagues. You will also be able to talk about your short-term and mid-term business schedules. The video lessons will help you to practice the pronunciation in Chinese. The multiple sample dialogues and short texts in the lessons are very much practical and could be easily used in your office. The program is structured and progressive with the learning support of video module (https://linglongchinese.com/p/business-chinese-video-course). This allows you to apply your knowledge and new language skills immediately.
For overseas Chinese learners, the program is built around 5 factors vital to the success of managers in China : presentation of oneself & one’s activity in Chinese, your industry and business area specifics in China, social networks and communication in China, email writing and conventions, giving a short speech in Chinese and answering questions, deep understanding of the influence of ancestral business thinking in China. Combining lectures, interactive discussions and hands-on activities, the program will enable participants to define their own presentation strategies in Chinese language through unique elements such as a personalised company presentation and speeches evaluated by both self and peers.
We can provide "breakfast learning", "lunch learning", or "after-work learning" sessions at your working place according to your convenience. Our Chinese native teachers have rich working experiences in MNC and solid knowledge in both Western and Chinese cultures.
If you are interested in our program, please write us team@linglongchinese.com for a further discussion.