主 zhǔ, this character is almost the same as 王 wáng the king, but with a dot above. 主 zhǔ, its primary meaning in Old Chinese is the heart of fire, the heart of light. As the heart of the fire is extremely precious at the time, it is guarded by the chiefs in the tribes. And thereafter, 主 zhǔ became an important character in Chinese.

Indeed in Chinese, 主 zhǔ is often used for VIPs: 主人 zhǔ ren, the host who receives guests; 一家之主 yì jiā zhī zhǔ, the head of the family, who often is the father; 地主 dì zhǔ, the ruler of the land, the one who owns the agricultural land and who was reprimanded during the dark period of the Cultural Revolution in China; 东道主 dōng dào zhǔ, the chef on the eastern path, is the one who organizes events and warmly welcomes guests. In the days of Chun Qiu (770-221BC), an adviser succeeded in convincing his king that the neighboring country to the east was a welcoming country, and thus avoided war. 主任 zhǔ rén, the chief in charge, is the one who manages a service, a department.

主 zhǔ, its importance is also used in other expressions. 主要 zhǔ yào, main - mainly, allows you to list the priorities; 主意 zhǔyì, indicates an idea; 主义 zhǔyì, doctrine, as you can imagine, this expression is often mentioned in political debates, 资本主义 zīběn zhǔyì, capitalism, 社会主义 shèhuì zhǔyì, socialism, 马克思 主义 mǎkèsī zhǔyì, Marxism, etc.

主 zhǔ, with its dot above the king 王 wáng, it is also used when one wants to mention the supreme God. Christians in China sing 愿 主 的 爱 与 你 同 在, yuàn zhǔ de ài yǔ nǐ tóng zài, May God's love be with you!

Xiao Ling and Lao Ling explain to you more détails in the video hereunder.