我 wǒ I, this essential Chinese character had a fighting beginning. Early stages of human being were all about surviving, 我 wǒ I, the self-consciousness came usually with a spear in hand. Later in Song Dynasty (960-1279), appeared an idiom, “你死我活 nǐ sǐ wǒ huó - You Die I live”, often used to describe the intensity of a competition or a conflict.

Slowly, 我 wǒ I, became humble. Confucius (551 BC - 479 BC), the greatest Chinese philosopher, said “三人行必有我师 sān rén xíng bì yǒu wǒ shī - Three people together, there is surely my teacher.” In his famous Analects of Confucius. Being humble is considered main virtue in Chinese traditional culture.

我 wǒ I, could be highly affirmed in Chinese poetry. Li Bai (701-762), the greatest romantic poet proclaimed “天生我材必有用 tiān shēng wǒ cái bì yǒu yòng - I am bord then I am surely useful!”, showing his great optimism and his deep perception of human rationality.

Despite the initial warfare background, 我 wǒ I, could also show some tenderness. “卿卿我我 qīngqīng wǒwǒ” is an expression to describe a loving and very intimate situation.

So, 我是谁? wǒ shì shéi ? I am who?
Xiao Ling and Lao Long explain to you more détails in the video hereunder.